Automated sampling for Precious and Base Metals from Recycled Materials.
M&W JAWO Sampling helps customers in the precious and base metals recycling industry with automated sampling machines and solutions for representative and consistent samples of their incoming recycled materials as well as for the processed materials…
Electro Scrap
Industrial by-products
Car Catalysts
Representative sampling for Mining.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling equipment and complete solutions provide mining customers with the data needed for their exploration and mining processes to decide where and how to mine to get the most from the deposit…
Iron ore
Representative sampling for Metals Refining & Minerals Processing.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in metals refining & mineral processing with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis…
Iron Pellets
Ferrosilicon and silicon
Representative sampling and instruments for Power Plants.
M&W JAWO Sampling extraction samplers, online instruments and fuel sampling solutions for power and heat plants provide customers with important real-time data by…
Biomass power and heat plants
Coal fired power plants
Fly and Bottom ash
Representative sampling for Cement and Limestone.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in the cement and limestone industry with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis…
Representative sampling for Fertilizer.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in the fertilizer industry with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis…
Pot ash
Phosphatic fertilizer
Representative sampling for Oil & Gas.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in oil and gas with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis…
Pet coke
Pelletized sulfur
Oil shale
Precious and Base Metals from Recycled Materials
M&W JAWO Sampling helps customers in the precious and base metals recycling industry with automated sampling machines and solutions for representative and consistent samples of their incoming recycled materials as well as for the processed materials (output).
– For quality analysis of metals and production decisions (how and where to process and extract metals).
In a sector worth approx. USD 65 billion annually, precious and base metals recyclers are constantly on the look-out for more accurate sampling plans and equipment for more precise data as materials are very heterogeneous.
As a result, we have engineered a complete portfolio of products for your specific sampling needs:
- Primary samplers for determining quality and quantity of metals of incoming materials
- Secondary samplers and dividers for the division of large quantities of materials into smaller representative samples
- Inter-stage crushers
- Sampling transportation equipment (between sample stages)
- Combined and mobile sampling stations
Incoming recycled materials – M&W JAWO Sampling has installed sampling solutions for:
Shredded e-waste/ Car and Industrial catalysts (SIC & SAC)/ Industrial by-products such as slags, mattes, slurry, bottom and fly ash.
Processed materials – M&W JAWO Sampling has installed sampling solutions for:
Jarosite/ Anode Slime/ Gold & Silver/ Copper Scrap/ Copper Granules/ Copper-, Nickel- and Lead concentrate/ Lead Matte and Sulphates/ Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from car catalysts and Silicon Carbide (from industrial catalysts).
Getting accurate and precise data of the total lot bought or sold, customers in the precious and base metals processing industry are able to:
- Verify whether they receive or sell products at the correct price
- Whether incoming or processed metals meet contract requirements
- Monitor and optimize production and quality control process
M&W JAWO Sampling has since 2005 delivered automated sampling solutions to the precious and base metals from recycling for a number of customers and plants such as Umicore, Boliden, BASF, Arubis, Glencore Recycling, Johnson Matthey, Sims Recycling, Blue Oak Arkansas, Hindustan Platinum and many others.
M&W JAWO Precious and Base Metals Presentation
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling equipment and complete solutions provide mining customers with the data needed for their exploration and mining processes to decide where and how to mine to get the most from the deposit.
Representative sampling for further analysis ensures that you avoid:
- Lower product quality than expected
- Not getting paid for the right ore quality
- Product forecasting problems
- Inefficient processes as a result of unexpected material properties
- Excessive use of high-grade ore and better control over mine lifetime
M&W JAWO Sampling has since the 1980s delivered automated sampling solutions to the mining industry for a variety of mining customers such as Glencore, LKAB, AngloGold Ashanti, Severstal, Baffinland, Boliden and Rio Tinto for materials such as e.g. iron ore, copper, copper concentrate, gold, titanium, coal, bauxite, potash and nickel, including the largest automated sampling solution ever installed in Europe for iron ore.
Metals Refining and Mineral Processing
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in metals refining & mineral processing with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis.
Obtaining representative samples of the total lot is crucial as there otherwise is little point in having made significant investments in laboratory equipment and analytical competences.
From accurate and precise data of the total lot customers in mineral processing and metals refining are able to:
- Verify whether they receive or sell products which meet contract requirements
- Monitor and optimize production and quality control process
- Improve mixing and blending operations to obtain better end-products
M&W JAWO Sampling has since the 1980s delivered automated sampling solutions to the metals refining & mineral processing industry for a large number of customers such as Norsk Hydro, Arcelor Mittal, SSAB, Ma’aden, Outokumpu, Voest Alpine, Umicore, Boliden, Glencore Recycling, Posco and Alcoa for materials such as e.g. iron, steel, aluminium, ferrosilicon, zinc, ore, copper, copper concentrate, gold, nickel and precious metals from recyclables.
Power and Heat Plants
M&W JAWO Sampling extraction samplers, online instruments and fuel sampling solutions for power and heat plants provide customers with important real-time data by:
- Measuring the fuel mass-flow allowing the operator to optimize the combustion process
- Obtaining isokinetic and representative fuel dust samples for particle size analysis for classifier optimization, mill state determination and fuel properties
- Providing online and real-time measurement of unburned carbon levels (UBC) in ash for better combustion, reduced fuel consumption and environmental costs
- Verifying that fuel received (coal or biomass) meets contract requirements (e.g. for moisture, ash content and particle size distribution)
- Monitoring and optimizing combustion efficiency in general
M&W JAWO Sampling has since the 1980s invented several ground-breaking extraction samplers and online instruments for the power and heat sector such as the Pulverized Fuel Sampler (rotoprobe) for isokinetic sampling as well as the world’s first online instrument for measurement of unburned carbon levels in fly ash.
More than 200+ power plants in 5 continents have installed M&W JAWO Sampling equipment for coal, different kinds of biomass and ash.
Utilities include Uniper, Drax, Ørsted, Fortum, Alliant, BHEL, NTPC, EdF, Enel, Engie and Iberdrola.
M&W JAWO Sampling Biomass Presentation
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in the cement and limestone industry with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis.
Customers use our equipment for sampling limestone, powder, clinker, slag and finished cement. Typical sampling focus areas include: Raw and finished products, at the loadout and custody transfer.
Representative sampling for further analysis enables you to:
- Get limestone with the features you expect in terms of purity (CaCO3 and Carbonates), unwanted impurities (K2O and MgO), grain size, reactivity after sintering (fast or slow) and potential for hard burning.
- Find the right correlation between properties of limestone, calcination parameters and final properties of hydrated lime
- Determining the strength of lump lime
- For cement and concrete to determine abrasiveness (dust levels), unwanted additives (e.g. alkaline compounds, chromium, crystalline silica), water/cement ratio etc.
M&W JAWO Sampling has delivered sampling solutions to more than 350+ different projects in the cement, cement clinker and limestone industry since the mid 1980s. Customers have bought anything from complete sampling and preparation plants, on-stream systems as well as individual sampling extraction instruments such as screw conveyors, screw conveyors with mixing tanks and air slide samplers as well as sampling materials handling equipment like crushers, conveyors etc.
Customers include LafargeHolcim, Heidelberg Cement, Cemengal, Cemex, Boral, Siam Cement, Aalborg Portland and FLS.
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in the fertilizer industry with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis.
From accurate and precise data of the total lot customers in the fertilizer industry are able to:
- Verify whether they receive or sell products which meet contract requirements in terms of quality, homogeneity and particle size
- Monitor and optimize production and quality control process
- Improve mixing and blending operations to obtain better end-products
M&W JAWO Sampling has since the 1990s delivered automated sampling solutions to the fertilizer industry for companies such as K+S Kali, K+S Potash Canada, Yara, Norsk Hydro, OCP, El-Nasr Co. For Intermediate Chemicals and Kemira for potash, urea, phosphatic fertilizer and other mineral fertilizers from magnesium and sulphur.
Oil & Gas
M&W JAWO Sampling automated and representative sampling machines, equipment and complete solutions provide customers in oil and gas with representative and consistent samples for quality analysis.
Customers use our solutions for determining the physical properties and chemical constituents for primary and secondary products such as oil shale, green pet coke, pelletized sulfur.
Oil and gas customers/ refineries who have bought our automated sampling systems include Petrobas, Gazprom Neft and Saudio Aramco.
Furthermore, Mark & Wedell serves a number of customers in the oil & gas sector with the Annulus Pressure Relief System allowing for secure and simple oil and gas well stimulation up to 10,000 psi based on easily replaceable burst disc technology.
Customers include Aker BP, Shell, BP, Mærsk Oil & Gas (now Total), Itacha Energy and Hess as well as oil service companies such as Schlumberger and Stimwell Oil Services.
Selected Project References.
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Selected M&W JAWO Sampling customers by sector.
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Metals & Minerals Processing
Precious/Base Metals Recycling
Aggregates & Building Materials
Power & Heat Generation
Chemicals & Plastics
Oil & Gas
Food, Animal Nutrition & Pharma

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