DS Product Brochure.
To find out more about our Dual Splitter (DS) please feel free to download the product brochure:
The Dual Splitter (DS):
Find more of Mark & Wedell JAWO Sampling’s innovative sampling solutions here:
To find out more about our Dual Splitter (DS) please feel free to download the product brochure:
The Dual Splitter (DS) is used for splitting materials into two sample buckets.
The DS can split materials in the ratio of 25-75% or directed 100% to either the left or the right bucket.
The Dual Splitter consists of an inlet (flange), a splitting gate with a direction actuator, and two opposing outlets.
The inlet material is directed to the two alternative outlets by a dual-direction flap valve.
1. The M&W central control cabinet can exchange signals with the client’s control system.
2. The DS can also be used to fill up two sample buckets that are placed on a small steel structure. The sample bucket is fastened to both outlets by locking devices. These are easily opened by hand.